half-assed knit blog
half-assed knit blog
half-assed knit blog

Revenge of the Backfat

I do not have a perfect body. Far, far from it. I have allowed myself to get out of shape lately, and it doesn’t look very good on me. By all rights I should not be able to wear a top like Coachella. So imagine my pleasant surprise when I tried on my WIP, and not only did it fit, but it fit in a “damn, baby, I’m hot!” sort of way.

Delighted, I hopped off to photograph it for blogginess. The front photographed fine using my camera’s timer, but then I gave the back a try.

Oh dear. We have backfat. We have backfat, and lots of it. But wait! I knew I had checked the back out in the mirror, and it looked fine, and not at all like it was drowning in endless ripples of fatty, fatty backfat. Right? I checked again, and was reassured that the backfat situation was well under control. Sure, I’ve got some. See aforementioned “out of shape” admission. But judging from the photo, you’d think I had enough with which to sculpt a small hippopotamus. Maybe a large hippopotamus. Nah, let’s be realistic, a small one.

I have long sworn that cameras are evil. I’m not photogenic at all – I am beyond un-photogenic – I have posted a few face-showing pics on this blog, I think, and none of them were flattering, and those were the good ones. But usually the camera restricts its evil to my face, and now it has moved on to creating phantom backfat? This won’t do at all.

It was time to turn to drastic measures.

It was time for… the dreaded mirror photoshoot.

My mirror-pics always look mucky and blurry (maybe I should clean my mirror) and I hate to resort to them, but it was the only way I could look at the camera’s display while taking the picture, and thus thwart its evil backfatty plans. And you can’t argue with results, because now I have WIP pics that will (hopefully) not horrify anybody:



It isn’t all drapey in the front like most of the other ones I’ve seen, but I think I prefer it this way. Seems easier to wear somehow, and also won’t give the world a boobie peep-show, which is probably for the best. (I am sure there are people who will argue with that point, but their argument is probably based around wanting to see my boobies, so I think I can safely disregard it.)

And guess what. Other than leaving out the half-inch of waist shaping – because it’s about 5 inches too small already, and frankly I have no idea how or why it fits at all – I have followed the pattern as written. I never do this! I feel so lazy! I… kind of like it. Oh dear.


  1. Webbo says:

    Um… not to sound pervy (although since my last comment was about your boobs, I wouldn’t blame you for thinking I am a perv) but you don’t look in bad shape to me. I know it’s all relative your expectations, but from where I am – a long way away, you might be pleased to hear ;-) – you and Coachella are looking pretty hot. Excellent use of negative ease!

  2. Mae says:

    I love it!!!!!!
    And it looks damn baby hot on you too!!!
    Once my sweaters are done (gifts that need to be done by mid-August… dammit!) I plan on doing a Coachella of my own in some Rowan Bamboo Tape… mmmmm!!!!

  3. Nikki says:

    Ha! You’re knitting it! My plans for Coachella world domination are coming to fruition! And you look good, so I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. I’ve seen back fat. And yes, it can be frightening. But you seem pretty back fat-free. Hmm, sounds like advertising for a new yogurt. Now 98% back fat-free!

    Yes, better to knit it smaller and not have the extreme drape. How this this is constructed is so mystifying, I made it and I still don’t know how to really alter it.

  4. heatherfeather says:

    hmmm… i think yours looks fabulosityness. however seeing that makes me wonder if i’m STILL doing it in a size too big because mine is wider than my shoulders…

    freakin’ dilemmas, but yay for seeing other people’s WIPS.

  5. Shells says:

    Nope, agreed, there is no visible back fat, you are safe! Cameras are evil and not to be believed. I always look like I have a double chin, but I swear in real life, there is no double chin!!!

  6. Lydia says:

    Cameras hate me too. I look at pictures and scream and run for the treadmill. lol. Either that or I do a little ‘sculpting’ with photoshop. Bwahaha.

  7. clarabelle says:

    Hi Cyn – stumbled upon you via Webbo’s blog!

    Your Coachella is fantastic and you have no backfat whatsoever, so stop dissing yourself! I really like Emily’s designs but Coachella’s not for me coz I’m too old. I want it, but it doesn’t want me…

  8. Mae says:

    You have not posted in 5 days and it’s driving me crazy! haha. I miss your entries!!!