half-assed knit blog
half-assed knit blog
half-assed knit blog

Must… stop… blogging…

… and a second post, because I don’t like cluttering up FO posts with unrelated stuff. Three things…

One: Webs charged me $17 for shipping! I knew I was right to be all paranoid about it. I did the math and because the yarn was so cheap, it still comes out as cheaper than I could get it anywhere else, but still, WAH. Apparently there is a cheaper shipping option, but they refuse to use it because they hate me. (I assume that’s the reason; it’s perfectly logical, right?)

Plus, I still haven’t gotten a shipping notice from Fuzzy Mabel for the order I placed over a week ago; I wonder if something’s wrong, I’d better email them and ask. Perhaps this is the universe telling me to STOP BUYING SO MUCH DAMN YARN. The universe is so cruel.

Two: There will soon be a pattern (and a FO post) for the bamboo headband I’ve been yakking about, because it is already finished and blocking. Fastest FO evah; I think it took me two days, maybe three.


I have named it Bamboozled, because I am a massive dork.

Three: I need to stop with the incessant blog posts, for real.


  1. s t a c i says:

    I love the headband!

  2. Rivka says:

    Must…have…this…pattern. I love love love knitting headbands. Can’t wait to try this one!

  3. Carmen says:

    I can’t figure out the yo from purl to ssk…any advice?